Wednesday, April 6, 2016

An introduction, and the duel of Fistos

Welcome to our blog! Here you will find posts about all things pop culture, especially related to collectibles (action figures, comic books, statues, posters, etc.), movies, television, video games and literature. We are identical twin brothers with a lifetime of interest in pop culture and collectibles. We will keep things relevant (mostly), humorous (partially) and frequent (perhaps). We have been collecting comic books for more than 30 years, and vintage actions figures for the past 15. We have a particular affinity for '80s action figures such as G.I. Joe, He-Man and Star Wars, and the superhero genre in general.

Sometimes we'll simply post quirky or comical observations about current happenings. We have different voices (I'm Tyler, he's Nathan ... or is he Tyler and I'm Nathan...? Being a twin can be downright confusing), but we will be blogging together, so our voices may sound similar (in person, they DEFINITELY sound similar). To get things started on the right foot (er, fist), here's a breakdown on the two "fistos" of the pop culture world -- He-Man's steel-handed ally, Fisto, and the emerald-dreadlocked Kit Fisto of the Star Wars universe.

Fisto vs. Fisto

It's fair to say that the original Fisto is this gentleman, the "heroic hand-to-hand fighter" from Masters of the Universe. Fisto, with his thick ginger beard and metal-plated knuckles, appeared as an action figure in 1984 and in Filmation's popular He-Man cartoon series from the same time period. Fisto is often pitted against Skeletor's henchman, Jitsu.

Kit Fisto arrived later, appearing in comics and on screen (in George Lucas' ill-received "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith" films, and in Cartoon Network's Clone Wars animated series). Kit Fisto's appearance stands out with his bulbous eyes and Marley-esque hairdo. Kit Fisto has also appeared in action figure form on several occasions.

So, there you have it! A welcome from us, and a little clarity on the divisive Fisto vs. Fisto issue. Come back for more insights and tidbits from the CollecTwins!

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